Snoy’s new patent ps5 leads psp and psvita to great again

Sony filed a patent application in February of this year, and many players confirmed that it is related to ps5. In the past August, Sony issued this patent. patent which was filed earlier this year may suggest that both the PSP and PS Vita are compatible with the PS5 in and can be used for some features.

The patent lists a number of devices that will be compatible with the PS5 when it launches. These devices include the PSVR headset, PlayStation Move controllers, PlayStation camera, Dualshock 4, and mice and keyboards. But, most interestingly the patent also shows the PSP and mentions the PS Vita as being compatible.

Details about what this compatibility is used for hasn’t been revealed, but it is likely we could see remote play return and both of the handhelds are options available for players who wish to use the feature. We may also see the handhelds be used for other features that haven’t been announced, such as the PS5’s social features.

According to the game parts online store egamephone, entering 2020, switch and switch lite launched by nintendo will once again bring handhelds into a hot state, especially due to the impact of covid19, many people can only stay at home, not just the latest switch series , The previous 3ds/2ds/gameboy also bloomed again. Therefore, in sony’s product line, whether psvita and psp will be rejuvenated by this is what we look forward to.

View previous handheld parts of psp, psvita, psgo

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